Sunday, September 19, 2010

Teeny the Nerd

I haven't felt baby move a whole lot - I had that one episode at 2:35 in the morning, but other than that it hasn't been a ton of obvious movement. Some flutterings and tickles that I know are baby, it just hasn't bounced off the walls like that one time.

But it did it again, and at such a weird time! I was at work and in a meeting where 2 people were discussing computer programs and what they liked about each, trying to decide which to use for this upcoming project. They were getting pretty excited too - you know, as excited as engineers can get :) Well all of a sudden baby goes NUTS again! Seriously all over the place! I don't know what was going on in there, but I could feel it!

So the only conclusion that I could draw is that baby heard the "exciting" discussion about computer junk and got excited :) Baby is going to be a nerd :)

It's OK, it runs in the family :)


  1. haha Love it! This further confirms my suspicions that this is a boy! Otherwise, the baby would get excited when we talk about scrapbooking :)

    (Not that there's anything wrong with girl engineers!)

  2. It's amazing the assumptions we can get from them kicking and going stir crazy! But just wait! You'll start to feel the baby move so much more often! And enjoy it, even when the little kicks hurt!

  3. a girl would get excited whenever you talked about shoes
