Wednesday, September 29, 2010

81% of you that voted

...were wrong! Including me! I had no idea how convinced I was that we were having a boy until I was completely shocked by the doctor saying "and here are baby's girl parts" while pointing to some fuzzy images on the ultrasound.

So there it is - It's a girl!!!!!!!!!

I still can't believe it! Nick and I are both super excited, no closer to picking out a name, and not really any closer to planning out the nursery. Yet somehow we feel more prepared, so that's good! But we still have so much to think about and now I feel like the preparation can being for real. No more just talking about stuff - now we get to do some deciding!

I may try to post ultrasound pictures later, but they weren't very clear so probably not. I have more to say - I'm totally overwhlemed with emotions right now and can't quite get all the words out, but I've gotta run. Just wanted to share the good news!!!!!


  1. My jaw seriously hit the floor when you told me! I am so so so very excited for you! I love the new background! I can't wait to finish planning the baby shower now :)

  2. Logan is excited haha, I thought it would be a girl! Congrats!!
