Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcome, Second Trimester

Well different books and websites seem to disagree slightly on when the second trimester starts. But it seems like it is generally around week 13/14. So maybe I'm rushing things a little, but I'm saying hello to second trimester! My symptoms seem to be going that direction anyway, so that's sort of a nice change. The complete exhaustion is gone. I'm still tired-ish, but I blame that on work and everything else going on. Overall I know I have a lot more energy than before - all my spare time is no longer spent on the couch! I actually have started getting a move on and going through things around the house and reorganizing and consolidating to make some space for baby! As many of you know there has long been the debate about who would give up their room once the baby was born and I am happy to say an agreement has been reached! For now :) Nick's room will become the baby room and his stuff will get moved to my room where we will have a shared room. There is nowhere near enough space for all the junk that we both have in the one room, so it is calling for some reorganizing and utilization of the attic :) But seriously, why are we keeping it if we are just going to put it in the attic? I'm a big fan of the idea that if you haven't used it in a year, you don't need it. Nick subscribes to the idea that he must save any and everything because who knows when he will need/want it. Sure, he hasn't touched anything in the closet in his room in the 4 years that it's been there, but you never know, right? :)

Anyway, I'm getting way off track. I was just so proud of the progress that I've made recently that I had to share that I've actually been productive and not a total bump on the log. Hooray! So yes - feeling less tired and the urge to spontaneously barf is ceasing. I never did barf which is pretty exciting, but trust me - there were times that I wanted to! But those feelings have been replaced my HEADACHES!!!!!!! I've always been one to get headaches anyway - especially during the summer. But now that I KNOW that I am drinking enough water we can rule out the dehydration factor. Apparently some women get headaches. I'm apparently one of them :(

The other issue that I am having is that I AM SO HUNGRY ALL THE TIME! I know that I am not eating for 2 - I have been reminded over and over that I'm only supposed to eat an extra 300 calories a day. And I have been sticking to that, but honestly - it is miserable. I have an appetite that I could easily eat for 2! Probably 3! It is so hard to control! My tummy is rumbling all the time! Ugh, I don't know what to do about it - I'm trying to use my extra calories on healthy things, but I feel like I could eat all the apples in the world and it still wouldn't fill me up! Fruit and veggies do not make me full. Potatoes do :) But potatoes make me fat... Ugh, this is going to be one of those things I struggle with all pregnancy - I can tell :(

Wish me luck!


  1. My advice, eat whatever you want. If you want it, the baby wants it. It's the one time in your life that you have an excuse to eat as you will. 300 calories my a$$.

  2. The nesting period! So much fun! At least you have decided what room to use! We had a similar problem only both of us like to hold on to things for far too long. We had a garage sale though to get rid of some stuff! And, discovered a ton of items to just throw away! (our room still isn't ready yet) At least you have plenty of time!
    I still have problems eating enough food! I found too that milk fills me up, so that way when I eat (every 2 hours) I don't eat as much. But I haven't gained much and Brandon thinks I am not gaining enough. We will see at the Dr.s today though!

  3. Haha - thanks Dom. I'm going to tell Nick that. When I look like a blimp I will tell him you said its ok :)

  4. Yay 2nd trimester already! I would say eat until you are full, cuz in the 3rd trimester when your stomach is squished into an impossibly small space, you will not want to eat anything haha. It seems to me that every couple has one person that wants to keep everything and one person that is willing to get rid of anything! Good luck with the reorganization.

  5. YAY! The scrapbooking room won! haha Let me know if you need help clearing Nick out of his room! Also, you have amazing self-control! I'm proud of you! :)
