Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We're Back!

Just a quick post to say that WE ARE BACK! We had a blast and it went way too quickly :( We took a million pictures and I'm hoping to share a few - but I probably won't get to that until this weekend. I'm super excited to scrapbook now!

I think baby had fun too. She kicked a ton - she is becoming more and more active every day! I've discovered that I'm pretty sure she likes chocolate, orange juice, and the Beatles music - based on the dancing that went on in my tummy :) Her favorite song seems to be "Hey Jude" - guess she's going to take after her Grandpa :)

She is growing quickly! Although I don't feel like I necessarily look 5 months pregnant. I still think sometimes I just look fat - but I'll have a picture in a day or two so you can see. My tummy is definitely growing! And the scale says so too. I was pretty excited that I hadn't over indulged on the cruise though - I think the walking around made up for all the food I was eating!

Anyway, just wanted to say HI! More later!


  1. Yay! Glad to hear that you had a great time! :)

  2. I'm so glad you're back! I missed you!

  3. Maybe her name should be that a girl's name?

  4. Hmm... I don't know if Jude is a girl's name. Jade is though and I think that's cute. Too bad Will and Laura named their dog that!
