Thursday, December 16, 2010

This is my Pregnancy Brain...

I have been doing stupid things ever since I got pregnant. I've left the house in the morning with make-up on only half of my face. I forget EVERYTHING unless I write it down. And then I usually forget where I wrote it down. I will walk into a room and have no idea what I was intending to do in there. I leave things everywhere. I'd list the things I've lost because of it, but I can't remember what they are. I'm a disaster. I know there is a funny list of specific things I've done - especially earlier in the pregnancy, that I should have kept track of but again - I can't remember what they are.

My latest and greatest though, is this morning I got to work, dropped off my purse and lunch at my desk, and then walked to the break room with every intention of putting my keys in the fridge. I got halfway there and realized that I meant to leave my keys at the desk and put my lunch in the fridge... Oops. I guess at least I realized it before I did it :)

10 weeks of this madness left - I really hope I get my brain back once baby is born!


  1. You may get it back, but you'll be so tired for a couple of months that you won't be able to use it! Here's some interesting information I found on forgetfulness:

    As usual in pregnancy, it's just your hormones having some fun, this time at the expense of your memory. And believe it or not, your brain-cell volume actually decreases during the third trimester of pregnancy (which could explain why you can't remember what you just read about in that last paragraph). Not to worry, your brain will plump back up a few months after delivery.

    By the way, 9 days until baby name deadline!!! (Just in case you forgot) haha

  2. I got an article from our childbirth class instructor that mentions as much as you loose in the pregnancy, your brain will grow afterward. I haven't fully read it yet, so I don't know if you gain more later...

    I tell people that whatever brain cells Nikolai has been taking from me, all the smarter he will be! It usually gets a smile, and a funny look.

    If I can count the number of times I returned to the house yesterday before my walk, just to make sure the door was shut and locked... It would be funny. Or the number of times I have put my phone down and 2 seconds later, for the life of me, not know where it was.

    It gets better. Don't worry.
