Monday, December 13, 2010

No Sleep For Me...

So apparently me being active during the day means baby is very active at night. Most days I spend sitting at my desk at work so baby moves around a lot then and is pretty quiet at night. But over the weekend I didn't really sit down at all - we were (trying to be) productive and I think all the movement put baby to sleep. But that meant that when it was time for me to sleep she wanted to play. So I really did not sleep well this weekend at all. With a ping pong ball in my tummy and incredible heartburn it was not a good combination. And the heartburn continues... I've had it on and off ever since the second trimester, but the last few days it seems to have really kicked it up a notch and it is not fun. It doesn't seem to be dependant on what I eat either - I just get it no matter what.

We had a pretty good weekend. We really spent most of the time getting stuff done around the house. I could bore you with the details, but the short story is that we made progress, the house looks more like a place where people live now rather than the aftermath of the apocalypse, and we still have a lot more to do but we are hopeful that we will get everything done in time for baby. We hit some minor snags - like re-routing wires wiping out our internet for the weekend and we had to waste hours trying to troubleshoot, but it looks like we've figured out the problem so that is good... A waste of time, but oh well - stuff happens.

On the fun side of things I did get to go to a baby shower for one of the girls on my soccer team so I got to see some of my soccer friends that I feel like I haven't seen in forever! I miss soccer :( It was fun to catch up with everyone and it was fun to get even more excited about the arrival of our little one :) My friend is having a girl too - little girl stuff is too cute!!!!

Sorry that I don't have more interesting stuff to report on than my sleep schedule and house progress, but that is life right now. Just trying to get things done and maintain (or re-acquire) some balance and sanity before the holidays :)


  1. It may be boring to you, but I love reading about your heartburn and productive weekends!!! It's so much more exciting than going to the library for 8ish hours a day with your head stuck in a book :( I'm glad you're making progress on the house! I definitely need to do some of that, if I can ever find time!

  2. I agree! It's never boring reading about it! As much as you get done with the baby's room, you'll not know what is really needed until she gets here. I figure as long as the car seat, clothes, diapers and wipes are there, you have what you really need!

    I am sorry about the heartburn! Finally, two nights ago I can sleep without the burn! Yay! Doesn't make it any more comfortable. :(

    Have you guys decided on a name yet?

  3. We haven't picked a name yet, BUT we have decided that we WILL pick a name by Dec. 25. It will be baby's Christmas present :)

  4. Awe, that's cute! I'm glad you guys set a deadline for yourselves! I can't wait to hear what you decide!!!

  5. I can't wait to hear what you decide either! Such a nice present for baby girl! :)
