Thursday, January 3, 2013

Teeny Cha-Wee-Wee

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a great holiday!

Just a few updates since my last post:

Aurora has learned to say our last name. Sort of. When we ask her what her name is she says Ror-A, Cha-Wee-Wee. It's hilarious. She's been saying it since Thanksgiving and she's sticking with it :)

Aurora can now count to 10! Actually New Year's day she hit that milestone. She loved counting. And every time she sees letters or words she starts singing the ABCs. But its always "A B C D E F G" and she stops there. She knows her name starts with an A, but that's pretty much the only letter she recognizes.

We had another ultrasound just before Christmas for the NT-screen. Everything came back normal - yay! It was funny watching this one - I remember Aurora's and she was all over the place - kicking like she was trying to bust out. This baby looks significantly calmer... Just kind of chilling out. I'll take it!

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