Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Summer Already?

Wow, I can't believe it is summer already and my baby is almost a year old! Where does the time go? Well it is full blown HOT here. I keep thinking that it's "too early" in the year for it to be hot because I have been thinking that since February, but now it's almost June. Now it's supposed to be hot. But I will say the evenings have still been pretty nice.

I am still having major fights with my computer - it needs to be reinstalled but I just haven't taken the time to do it. I can't get any pics to post. Sorry - I know that's the whole reason anyone looks at this in the first place. But I am back on facebook so maybe I will put a few up there...

Lots to report since February. Wow. I'm really just going to hit on the major things:

-Crawling 3/30 (9.5 months) Pulling himself up on things a week later. I seriously thought he was never going to move, but one day he just decided, "let's do this." He had spent the night at my parents and when my mom went to get him in the morning he was sitting up in the crib (first time ever) and that night he decided to crawl.
-Between 10-11 months it seemed like he really formed a personality. He is changing a lot every day and that seemed to really start when he began crawling.
-Taking steps. Started around 10mos. This week he walked across Aurora's room (I counted 16 steps). I still wouldn't say he's walking though. He won't just stand up in the middle of the floor yet - he still always pulls up on something. Seems like he should be walking soon though. He walks holding on to one hand and he pushes everything across the floor (chairs, toys, etc.)
-Such a climber! Crawls into the bathtub, on step-stools, into cabinets, stands up on chairs - if he can reach it he's on it. Very dangerous!
-Loves toys that make music and balls
-Favorite place to play is Aurora's play kitchen
-Still VERY attached to mommy
-Teeth! Bottom 2 middle 3/13 (9 months). 3 more on 5/14 (11 months) the top on either side of the middle and the bottom on the left side of the middle. Looks like the one on the right is not far behind.
-Loves food. Has gotten less picky which is good. He went through a phase for a little bit where he was very opinionated, but now as long as it's not spicy he will eat it. The slightest spice sets him off screaming.
-Aurora is still his favorite person. He loves any attention from her, even negative attention. The other day she was playing a game on the iPad while he was taking a bath and he just started doing short screams. Every time he did she would yell at him and he would laugh and keep doing it. Finally she left and he got the biggest smile and did a little bounce thing - you could tell he was very proud of himself.
-He grabs toys out of Aurora's hands and will not let go when she tries to take them. If she doesn't let go he reaches up and pulls her hair. He does not let her push him around.  
-Music makes him dance - he shakes his head back and forth and wiggles some :)


-Still says "laster-day" (any day before today)
-Loves movies and pretending. She wants to be whoever it was that she just watched.
-Wants to be chased constantly. Jake has always enjoyed being held while we chase her but yesterday he was "running" while he held my hands and he started squealing every time we got near her and would change directions - like he wanted to be chased. Hilarious.
-Likes girls - doesn't want to play with boys right now. The one exception to that is a little boy named Dexter - one of my friend's sons. He is 5, wears glasses and is adorable. All the little boys we know are adorable but I think Aurora may have a little crush on him :)
-Started napping again - half the time. She gave up naps in November-ish but in the past month has been getting up so early (thank you, Jake) that she just can't go the whole day. So about every other day she has been napping.
-Still very into princesses, pretty shoes, dresses
-Likes pink and purple because they are "girl colors"
-Wants to help with EVERYTHING. She is baking, cleaning, crafting - you name it. She did all the gluing for Jake's birthday invites. She has a chore chart now and her room is always clean (I am constantly told "Don't let Jake mess it up!!!!!!")
-LOVES singing. Favorite song right now - Carly Rae Jepson "Good Time." I am told to turn it on and turn it up every time we get in the car
-Wants to play with whatever toy Jake is playing with
-Wants to be a "rock star" when she grows up. Oh, boy... She asked me if she could be. I gave her that "you can be whatever you want to be" line. Seemed to be good for now.
-Starting pre-school in August :(

We've been up to some fun stuff - we took a trip to CA in March for my nephew Isaac's 1st birthday and did Disney and the beach with the kids. Nick didn't come with us and that was a little hard, but the rest of my family was there to help. The kids LOVED the beach. Aurora was freezing but she just wanted to stay in the water. We are hoping to make a trip to the beach this summer and plan to go to the lake. They just LOVE water. But Jake was actually more into the sand - I set him down in it and he just dove in and kept digging and playing with it - and never tried to put it in his mouth which was surprising.

Easter was fun this year - lots of egg hunting and Aurora loved dying the eggs. We accidentally left them out after we dyed them so we smashed them - threw them around - since we couldn't eat them and I think that was even more fun than coloring them. We may have a new tradition.

We've been hanging out at home, swimming at my parents, doing the zoo, the gym, the library - the usual. Anything to keep busy. Days are long when we don't go somewhere and Jake is in that "get into everything" mode right now so he spends a lot of time screaming at me when I say "no." Like he will sit on the floor, put his head to the floor (like fold in half), take a deep breath, and scream like the world is going to end. VERY dramatic.

That's the update for now. At least now I have it documented for later. Even though I know I have missed so much :(