On Friday I had my dreaded glucose test. I have to say - drinking the sugar drink was a lot harder this time. I think the first time I had myself so convinced it was going to be awful that when I was actually able to swallow it I realized it wasn't that bad. But this time I went into it thinking it was a piece of cake so it was a little more painful. But I managed. Baby went NUTS over it - especially considering it was on an empty stomach so she got one major sugar high. And then they had to draw blood 4 times! Once at the beginning and then once every hour. I am not a fan of blood being drawn in the first place - I am one of those that can (and will) pass out (on occasion) so the thought of 4 times was pretty scary. The first 2 times I was fine - I am really lucky that there is a super nice lady that works in the lab and she talks non-stop to distract me while she does it. The third time was harder because I got a different lady and she didn't talk so I had to try to distract myself. Plus it hurt - she wasn't as gentle. But the fourth time I got the friendly lady again so I was OK. So, I survived! It definitely wasn't fun, and I didn't enjoy spending so many hours of my off Friday in the doctors office, but at least it is over. AND at my doctor appointment today I found out that I passed "with flying colors." So that was definitely good news :)
After I got some food in my tummy (Good Egg with Mom and Taylor - YUM!!!!!) I had ANOTHER doctor appointment - eye doctor this time. Since I have such dry eyes the doctor finally convinced me to switch from hard to soft contacts, so I have had 3 eye doctor appointments in the last month to try to adjust my prescription with the new lenses. Like I wasn't spending enough time at the doctor! But I guess that when you switch your eye changes shape, so your vision changes. Fun stuff.
So I got home from my fun with doctors with just enough time to bake cookies for a cookie exchange (Butterscotch/Cashew yumminess!) that we were having at our monthly crop (scrapbooking with lots of other women). I tried a new recipe and I was pretty happy with the way they turned out. Especially considering how much time I had to throw them together. So the rest of the evening was fun at least :) Getting to scrapbook is always fun.
Saturday Nick and I volunteered at the "First Lego League" Competition that has sort of become an annual tradition for us. This was the 4th year and it was super fun like always! It's a day where kids (age 8-14) come to present and compete with their Lego robots that they designed. It is a huge project that takes them months! They have a certain mission that they have to complete with their lego robots and they do all the work designing and programming them. It is amazing to see how smart and creative they are. I am always impressed and they are so stinkin cute! They also have to complete a research project and present that as well. Every year we are "judges" and I have to say - it is so hard to do! They are all so good!
I was exhausted after the day - my brain especially. But I learned a lot about Biomedical Engineering so that was cool :) (They have a different theme every year). What was NOT cool was that when I took my shoes/socks off I discovered horribly FAT ankles! I had no idea body parts could swell like that. It was pretty terrifying! I mean, I knew I was tired, but I had not expected my feet to look like that! And the same thing happened Sunday evening too! I guess the rest of my pregnancy will include daily fat ankles. I'm really not a fan. It looks very unnatural.
Sunday we spent doing house stuff. Nick spent hours in the attic doing cable/wire routing and put several holes in the walls :) Plus we got all of Nick's artifacts moved out of baby's room and with what we have so far - baby's room is done! We don't have a crib yet or a new dresser for her, but we have a bookshelf and a chest of drawers that we moved in there that are now filled with her books and clothes. It felt so weird to put away my little girl's clothes - I kept trying to imagine what she would look like in each outfit - which is so hard to do because I have no idea what she is going to look like. I think its a pretty good guess that she will have dark hair and brown eyes, but you never know... We have blonde hair and blue eyes on both sides so even though that's not what Nick and I have it is still a possibility.
So it was really fun and really weird at the same time. We have her bedding now and I think it looks great with the color we painted. I can't wait to get the rest of the furniture!
Here is a picture - it really doesn't really do the color justice, but you can see how cute the rug and bedding are:
It feels good to have one room mostly done. Not having the furniture doesn't seem like that big a deal to me for some reason... I know it will happen soon so I'm not too worried. The office has all the furniture in place, but Nick still has a lot of papers to go through - he has saved every bit of paper from college so he needs to decide whether or not he really needs to keep the notes from that humanities class he took freshman year :) He saves everything :) So there are papers all over the floor until he has time to go through them. And it needs a little help from the decorating perspective... But otherwise I'm feeling pretty good about that too. And we got all the Ikea bookshelves together so I arranged the ones in our room this weekend so we just need to finish with the ones in the TV room.
Things are coming together. It is fun, but exhausting at the same time and things always seem to take longer than we expect. But any progress is good! Too bad we have a 5 day work week ahead of us. It is always hard to be at work when there are so many other things I'd rather be doing.
The bedding and rug are so adorable! It is so exciting to see everything come together! I really don't like house projects... they do take forever. But it seems like you and Nick are being very productive on the weekends! (Which is good because you don't want to leave everything for the last minute when you can't even bend over!!!)
ReplyDeleteYour cookies were delicious! I definitely approve of the new recipe! If I had a special recipe box, it would go in there :) Phillip pretty much devoured them when I got home!
I'm very happy about your glucose test and that you can enjoy the wonderful foods of Christmas!
I am glad your glucose test came out ok! Sorry you had to get pricked with a needle 4 times though. I feel your pain!
ReplyDeleteHope your eyesight doesn't change too much with the pregnancy. I hear that can happen.
Isn't it fun putting away such tiny clothes! I put some 9-12 mos stuff onto hangers and into the closet today. They are so tiny! But so cute! It is a sad thought that they don't stay so small for very long. And the set looks so cute! The colors (even if you say the pic doesn't do justice) looks so wonderful! Awe, makes me wish we were having a girl! But I guess boy will have to do... :D
Nick sounds like me! I have papers from school/tutoring/goodness knows what else scattered throughout the office! I think I need someone like clean sweep people to come help me out. Brandon can probably relate to you with that one! :) My desk and bookcases are a disaster too. I want another book case, but I think I might be told to get rid of some stuff first. But it is so hard to get rid of books!
mmm, cookies and scrapbooking! That sounds like a wonderful combination! I'm jealous! LOL!
I feel your fat ankle pain. There is something about it that just screams horrible. But once the baby enters the world, they do go back to normal! Yay!
"nick's artifacts"...that's funny!