So Aurora is learning new words very quickly. She is such a chatterbox! She has started saying "ma, da, eee, ga, and goo" in whatever combination along with her "ba ba"s. She has also discovered how to click her tongue which is HILARIOUS and she does that all the time. SOOOOOOOO CUTE.
In other updates she is getting better at scooting each day. Still backwards. Maybe someday she will go forward. She gets up on her knees more and more, but no crawling yet. She loves dropping toys and picking them up. If she drops a toy she insists on picking it up no matter how long it takes her or where it falls :)
Her green stuffed monkey is my new best friend. He helps put her to sleep each night and since we have started that she has been sleeping better with the exception of one night. We named him Pickles and she just loves him. He's really soft so he gets lots of hugs and kisses from her. She lunges for him and buries her face in him. Very cute.
So Nick is on travel again this week. Week 2. He was home for the weekend, but it is hard during the week when he is gone. He comes home Friday, leaves Sunday again. It was supposed to just be one more week, but now it's looking like it might be 2 more... 4 weeks is too long :( We miss him :( Especially since we have had some rough experiences recently. I started a Mom's Bible Study on Tuesday mornings and decided to try the nursery. Aurora has never been in the nursery before. And I'm not really sure how many times she's going to go back in the near future. It's only for a few hours, but the first week I dropped her off I totally lost it. She was fine (initially) but after I left her I ended up crying for a bunch of strangers. Great first impression :) Aurora lasted about an hour and then they called me to come get her because she was screaming. Same thing the second time only I didn't cry. I don't blame her for screaming her head off though - there's a lot of fussing babies in there. I don't like leaving her there. I wouldn't want to hang out there! She may be spending a few hours at Grandma's on Tuesday mornings from now on... She doesn't like when other babies cry - that's always what upsets her. If there were no crying babies she would probably be fine.
Yeah, Tuesdays are a little rough now. But the rest of the week should be good. We are starting to settle into a routine, sort of. I think I may finally be getting the hang of this mommy thing...