Well, the nights with Aurora have been interesting. They are always eventful. I'm not sure if they are getting easier or not. The first few in the hospital were AWFUL. All she wanted to do was sleep but we were supposed to wake her up to feed her at least every 3 hours. It is not easy to wake a sleeping baby - and who wants to!?!?! It took about an hour to wake her up, and hour to try to get her to eat, and then an hour to get her back to sleep. And then the cycle started all over again! Once we got home things got easier, but she wanted to stay up until 4AM and then sleep all day - takes after her daddy I guess. Then a miracle happened 2 nights ago she went to bed at 6PM, and got up every 3 hours, but slept like an angel otherwise. But I will say - when midnight rolls around and I have to wake a sleeping baby I am not happy!!!!!
And then there was last night. Someone's appetite is kicking in because she woke up on her own AT LEAST every 2 hours. Little piggie. And then when she did sleep she just wanted to be held the whole time. I think I am going to blame that on how spoiled she has gotten by the attention from family and friends - she has probably done way more sleeping in people's arms than she has in her crib. And she has made it pretty clear that is the way she likes it.
She's had 2 baths since we've been home. Neither one was enjoyable, but the first one was definitely the worst. She screamed like nobody's business. She cried the second time, but nowhere near as bad. The one good thing though is that no matter how bad Aurora screams, she is pretty easy to calm down. Once you stop doing whatever is upsetting her (bathing, changing her diaper/clothes) she shuts off the sirens pretty quick. So I have that to be thankful for.
I believe Nick and I have both earned one of the merit badges of being a parent - we have both been projectile poopied on. That was pretty shocking the first time it happened. And although it made a mess it really was pretty funny. It happened to me first so I had warned Nick and tried to show him how to prevent a mess, but he was caught off guard and having a sensitive gag reflex moment, so she got him pretty good. Hopefully we can both be prepared to do some better catching in the future...
That's another thing - we really never have to wonder when she poops because I'm pretty sure our neighbors can hear it. The first night it happened it scared me so bad! It woke me up and I thought she was choking! Nope - she was sitting there smiling, leaving a present for us :)
So other than our little adventures we have just been trying to adjust to our new life. I'm feeling overwhelmed by all the things that didn't get done before she was born and I'm trying to stay on top of all the new stuff that keeps coming up. I'm not really sure where to start on everything and I'm feeling like I am forgetting stuff. Hopefully not...
Anyway, here are some pictures. We've taken a million so it was hard to narrow down my favorites.